Parametry z BOI
PM10 (pył): 1.85 / Ozon: 2.45 / NO2: 3.15
The project will use an advanced measurement system, with a EXO YSI probe at its core.
Unique features of the device:
- automatic system for spotting and correction of measurement errors
- wireless operation
- protection of sensitive components against biological contamination
- titanium sensors
- advanced auto-calibration systems
The device will operate near the reservoir dam and will measure the following parameters:
- dissolved oxygen
- chlorophyll a
- algae (blue and green)
- ammonium ions
- conductivity
The device will also be equipped with a compact meteorological sensor, for continuous measurement of:
- air humidity and temperature
- wind speed and direction
- atmospheric pressure
- insolation
An analogous, independent Norwegian system will be located near Zarzęcin.
The monitoring data from the probe will be complemented with colorimetric measurement of the physicochemical parameters concentrations: phosphates, nitrates BOD5, COD, TOC, using a VIS spectrophotometer.
Advantages of the system:
- RFID module for sample identification – sampling location, date and time
- Possibility of comparing process measurement results with reference values stored in the device
- Easy data transfer via USB or Ethernet.
More information
Further information about :
- meteo station
- laboratory measurements equipment
The detailed objectives and scope of the MONSUL Project are as follows:
- installation and commissioning of a measurement system for the assessment of reservoir water quality (floating on the surface of the reservoir and transmitting on-line data to a computer). The following parameters will be monitored: water temperature, pH, oxygen concentration, salination, chlorophyll concentration, Ntotal and Ptotal.
- development of a GIS database for the Sulejów Reservoir area,
- development of a 3D model of the Sulejów Reservoir. The model will enable calculations of temperature gradients, flow rates and pollution concentrations as well as the simulation of the ecological condition of the reservoir,
- publication of the results via the website, magazine articles as well as meetings and seminars.