Parametry z BOI
PM10 (pył): 1.85   /   Ozon: 2.45   /   NO2: 3.15

About the project

Scope and Objectives of the MONSUL Project
implemented within the Financial Mechanism
for the European Economic Area 2009–2014

1. Title: “The Analysis of Factors Affecting the Ecological Condition of the Sulejów Reservoir Waters Based on Continuous Monitoring and an Integrated 3D Model of the Reservoir (the MONSUL Project)”.

2. Programme name: PL03 operational programme: “Improving environmental monitoring and inspection”.

3. Project implementation units:
NIVA – Norwegian Institute for Water Research of Oslo
Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology.

4. Overall project budget: PLN 1,742,640
Project costs borne by the Polish parties: PLN 865,940
FPEE LUT contribution (15% of the costs): PLN 129,891

5. Scope and objectives of the project:
The chief objective of the MONSUL Project will be the implementation of tasks improving the scope of available environmental information about the catchment area of the Sulejów Reservoir. The purpose of the tasks within the scope of the project will be to provide measurements, assessments and prognoses of the ecological potential of the water in the reservoir and to analyse the impact of factors on its quality.

The detailed objectives and scope of the MONSUL Project are as follows:
  • installation and commissioning of a measurement system for the assessment of reservoir water quality (floating on the surface of the reservoir and transmitting on-line data to a computer). The following parameters will be monitored: water temperature, pH, oxygen concentration, salination, chlorophyll concentration, Ntotal and Ptotal.
  • development of a GIS database for the Sulejów Reservoir area,
  • development of a 3D model of the Sulejów Reservoir. The model will enable calculations of temperature gradients, flow rates and pollution concentrations as well as the simulation of the ecological condition of the reservoir,
  • publication of the results via the website, magazine articles as well as meetings and seminars.

6. The role and significance of the project for the region:
  • The measurement system purchased as part of the project will be operational after the completion of the project,
  • the GIS database of the area will be used for educational and scientific purposes and to support the processes of water resources management and spatial planning in the reservoir area,
  • the 3D model of the reservoir will become an instrument supporting the management of the Sulejów reservoir waters and help to update the water protection programmes currently in place,
  • the beneficiaries of the project will be the State Environmental Monitoring services responsible for the collection and publication of environmental data – project measurements will provide further information about the quality of water in the Sulejów Reservoir.
  • the GIS database and 3D model of the reservoir can be used by the Regional Water Management Authority in Warsaw as support tools in reservoir management, including, for example, the update of the regional water management plans. The Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection may use the tools to update its environment protection programmes for the reservoir area,
  • projects results in the form of a 3D model will also become a tool for scientific studies and education as well as for the promotion of environmental monitoring.

7. Implementation period: 01.2015 – 04.2016
The detailed objectives and scope of the MONSUL Project are as follows:
  • installation and commissioning of a measurement system for the assessment of reservoir water quality (floating on the surface of the reservoir and transmitting on-line data to a computer). The following parameters will be monitored: water temperature, pH, oxygen concentration, salination, chlorophyll concentration, Ntotal and Ptotal.
  • development of a GIS database for the Sulejów Reservoir area,
  • development of a 3D model of the Sulejów Reservoir. The model will enable calculations of temperature gradients, flow rates and pollution concentrations as well as the simulation of the ecological condition of the reservoir,
  • publication of the results via the website, magazine articles as well as meetings and seminars.


Mniszków CommuneWolbórz CommuneTomaszów Mazowiecki CommuneSulejów CommuneThe Voivodship Inspector for Environmental Protection in ŁódźThe Regional Water Management Authority in WarsawRegional Directorate for Environmental Protection in ŁódźThe Pilica Valley AssociationThe Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łódź


EEA and Norway GrantsNational Fund for Environmental Protection and Water ManagementLodz University of TechnologyThe Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology
Norwegian Institute for Water research