Parametry z BOI
PM10 (pył): 1.85   /   Ozon: 2.45   /   NO2: 3.15

ArcGIS in the project

ArcGIS – software package for operations on GIS (Geographic Information System) data, created by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI).

The software package includes:  ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcToolbox, ArcGlobe and ArcScene.

Depending on the requirements of the user, it may include a Spatial Analyst package – extensions, scripts or applications enabling spatial analysis of data.

The following data will be monitored in the Monsul Project:

- chlorophyll a
- algae (blue and green)
- dissolved oxygen concentration
- ammonium ions
- conductivity
The data will be collected in a continuous manner by two buoys at two different locations in the reservoir.
Additionally, data on the spatial distribution of these parameters in the lake will be collected every 2 weeks.
This will provide local data which will be interpolated using the ArcMap and Spatial Analyst software and visualised as maps.
The maps created every two weeks in this way will enable testing all of the selected water parameters in space and time.
An example of the Sulejów Reservoir map made in ArcMap (authors: M. Jaskulski, A. Szmidt):


The detailed objectives and scope of the MONSUL Project are as follows:
  • installation and commissioning of a measurement system for the assessment of reservoir water quality (floating on the surface of the reservoir and transmitting on-line data to a computer). The following parameters will be monitored: water temperature, pH, oxygen concentration, salination, chlorophyll concentration, Ntotal and Ptotal.
  • development of a GIS database for the Sulejów Reservoir area,
  • development of a 3D model of the Sulejów Reservoir. The model will enable calculations of temperature gradients, flow rates and pollution concentrations as well as the simulation of the ecological condition of the reservoir,
  • publication of the results via the website, magazine articles as well as meetings and seminars.


Mniszków CommuneWolbórz CommuneTomaszów Mazowiecki CommuneSulejów CommuneThe Voivodship Inspector for Environmental Protection in ŁódźThe Regional Water Management Authority in WarsawRegional Directorate for Environmental Protection in ŁódźThe Pilica Valley AssociationThe Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łódź


EEA and Norway GrantsNational Fund for Environmental Protection and Water ManagementLodz University of TechnologyThe Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology
Norwegian Institute for Water research